About Me

Embarking on exciting adventures and exploring the world brings me immense joy. I feel fortunate to have immersed myself in diverse cultures during my travels to nearly 40 countries. Solo journeys fostered independence, nurturing my curiosity and adaptability in varied environments.

A defining experience in my journey was overcoming breast cancer, teaching me the importance of strength and determination in adversity. This personal journey fuels my passionate advocacy for causes like animal rights, education empowerment, women's rights, and overall equality.

Using my voice and platform, I aim to raise awareness and effect positive change, aspiring to leave a lasting impact on others' lives. Engaging with my local community is a vital part of my pursuits; I dedicated 8 years to the Grant-Valkaria Planning and Zoning Board.

My diverse interests, unwavering dedication, and lifelong learning spirit characterize me as both a resilient individual and a compassionate advocate. My story revolves around resilience, exploration, creativity, and an enduring commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

Ziplining (Dominican Republic)
Savannah Marathon

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