My Philosophy

In the pursuit of excellence, I believe in fostering a collaborative learning environment. As an instructor (in academic, corporate, & nonprofit settings), developer & designer, consultant, and director, I extend beyond being a source of knowledge to provide unwavering support. My learner-centered approach blends competence, flexibility, and a deep appreciation for each individual's uniqueness.

Dedicated to my craft, I arrive early, learning and remembering names to create a positive and energetic atmosphere. My passion is tangible, inspiring others to discover and pursue their passions. Throughout my roles, I adapt my approach, using real-life examples to spark dialogue and encourage reflection, fostering honesty and challenging preconceived notions.

My evolving role aims to strike a balance between directive leadership and facilitative observation, adapting to group dynamics and individual needs. Above all, my goal is to create a lasting impact by empowering individuals to apply knowledge to personal and professional pursuits. This rewarding journey is one I intend to continue indefinitely.

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